Friday, March 12, 2010

My rant at the moment....

Happy note first: Katlynn had her 1st play date today (outside of family and actually at our house). Usually we go over to other people's houses. It was fun to see Katlynn so excited about having someone over. She has so much disappointment in her life these days that it is good to see her actually excited about something.

My rant begins: (you may stop reading if you want)
Speaking of disappointment I have her suitcase packed and ready to go to her dads.... I have no clue if he is actually going to come pick her up or not. This coming up week is Spring Break for most of the schools in the area (I might even say it is all schools that are on break this week in the area). In his usual request of dates paper he sends at the beginning of the year he requested to have her for Spring Break. His original plan was to fly her (he like usual has not been very forthcoming with information). The last time I talked to him we kind of got into yet another argument... (nothing new there, it is getting old). He was making up excuses of how he may not have her back in time (he might be snowed in, which is believable since he lives in Utah and at the time they were getting a lot of snow). It's the fact that he was planning his excuse already 2 months ahead of time that I have the problem. I told him flat out that if he can't guarantee that he will have Katlynn back in time for school that I will not send her.
So in 30 minutes we will find out if he is going to show up and get her. I have not made a big deal about Katlynn going this time because I don't want her to be terribly let down if he doesn't show up. Why do I even stress about this? Well he is not reliable about getting her home on time or sometimes bringing her home at all. He has convinced himself that I am horrible and that my daughter is super mis-treated... 2 times now I have gone to New Mexico and retrieved my daughter (with my wonderful bro in law). Twice I have shelled out a lot of money in last minute travel expenses, taking off from work and lawyer fees all because he can't play by the rules. Not to mention when he is planning on having her for whatever reason he doesn't feel it a need to pay child support the month before the month of and the month after...

Ok I had to save draft to guarantee that I had Katlynn all ready to go just in case he showed up (was running out of time). Needless to say he did not show up. Did not call..... Which kind of was a good thing because Katlynn ended up complaining that her ear was hurting about 6:45. So I took her to the Redi Clinc which has been pretty good when I can't get Katlynn into the doctors office. Not too badly priced either out of pocket. Turns out she has an ear infection from all the sinus drainage she has had the last week. So hopefully she will be all cured in a few days. It hasn't sunk into her yet that her dad stood her up. She was asking questions while we were at the doctor and when I told her that he didn't come the look on her face broke my heart :(
Need to come up with a bunch of fun stuff to do this week of Spring Break. I did not plan for it since I figured she was going to be at her dads.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Random thoughts on snow....

It snowed today (tonight). Only a little bit of snow but snow none the less... This would be the second batch of snow we have gotten in a short amount of time. The last little bit of snow we got was right before Christmas. Why do I even mention the snow? Well for being almost March and the fact that we are along the Gulf Coast... and already looking like Spring, Snow is a big deal (even the smallest amounts of it). Growing up we were lucky if it ever snowed. Once in 10 years probably was the average. Lately we have been averaging at least once a year. It will be an all time record if we get snow in December too (twice in a year).
Really snow isn't a problem for us here because the ground is still warm (seeing how we were in the 70's a few days ago). So it usually doesn't stick very much if at all. The problem is the rain we usually get attached to this snow. It rains lots and we all know what happens to water when it gets below freezing. It hardens and becomes very slick. So I hope those that work early in the mornings have a safe commute.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Super Nanny

When the Super Nanny first started coming on TV I was resistant to watch. I thought I don't need that. I have to admit that I have watched it a few times. Usually as a rerun that runs late at night on TLC I think. I even use the show as object lessons to my daughter. See those kids having a tantrum that is what you look like when you have a tantrum. See how that kids is talking to his mother that isn't very nice. I sometimes make my daughter point out the bad behaviors sometimes when we are flipping through the channels. But the few times I have watched there has been something on there (not everything) that I could use. The last one I watched was a few months ago and she had introduced the "Naughty Mat" well I thought that was cleaver and thought I would do something similar. I do not have money to go get a mat strictly for this purpose. So I thought of something that is handy and almost guaranteed to be near by in times of need. So I came up with the "Naughty Wall" it is free and usually everywhere I go has one. I say its any available wall.
You ask why would I need the "Naughty Wall?" Well, I was having issues with back talking and her constantly telling me NO and having an emotional melt down. I mean kicking screaming crying drama filled melt down. Finally after watching this show I decided the next time she was going to have a melt down to implement the Naughty Wall! At first it was bumpy and noisy, but my golly it has worked. There are those times where any child tries to be in control and push the boundaries and tries to refuse to go, but in the end she caves and now it isn't needed quite as much. The back talking has become minimal and the tantrums fewer. The tantrums still exist from time to time but there has been a huge difference from a few months ago.
Have no fear of showing your child who is boss she remember to stay calm in the process. After all who does your child look up to, to teach them about life and the world? Who is going to teach your child about respecting themselves and others?

Sunday, January 31, 2010

H1N1 Vaccine

Today my daughter and I got our H1N1 Vaccine's. My daughters school district did a vaccine clinic and were giving them for free. So my parents also went and got their vaccine's. Found out that my sister's and their kids also went. My daughter and I were lucky and were able to get the nasal vaccine. If anyone has little kids that fear shots you know what a blessing this is. Which meant I didn't have to hold my own child down while pain is inflicted upon her and feel bad because everyone from here to china can hear her screams of torture....

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What can $3.45 get you these days?

$3.45 got me 7 textbooks today!! You ask how? Well that is what I spent out of pocket after my book vouchers for financial aid ran out. If it weren't for financial aid I probably would not be able to go to school right now. What I am taking this semester: Small business finance course (I plan on starting my own business in the near future),
Intro to algebra (pesky math class that is required since its been Years since I was in school), English (literature) course, and Interpersonal communication. Only four classes and a lot of reading!

I am looking forward to the new semester. Last semester was my first time back after 10 years! I did pretty well considering at the time I was still working 32 hours at Borders and taking care of my daughter. This semester I am hoping will be a lot smoother with me currently not employed so I will have more time to focus on school and my daughter. Last semester I managed to get 2 B's and a C. This semester I am aiming for 3 A's and a B. Or pretty close to it. Or maybe even straight A's. That will be nice.

New year, new campus, new teachers....

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree... Oh Christmas Tree....

Oh how I hate to take you down.... I have decided to leave my tree up for at least a little bit longer. Not exactly sure when I will get around to taking it down. I barely got it up Christmas Eve. Yes I know that was a little late and cutting it close. Due to time restraints that was the only time I could get it up. So I want to enjoy it a little bit longer. My mom's tree will probably come done in the next week or so. It just no fun taking the tree down.
The tree above is my little tree. The tree below is my parents tree.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

This is my family:

Katlynn & Mommy
Including Puppers & Teddy (and all loveys in between)