Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Random thoughts on snow....

It snowed today (tonight). Only a little bit of snow but snow none the less... This would be the second batch of snow we have gotten in a short amount of time. The last little bit of snow we got was right before Christmas. Why do I even mention the snow? Well for being almost March and the fact that we are along the Gulf Coast... and already looking like Spring, Snow is a big deal (even the smallest amounts of it). Growing up we were lucky if it ever snowed. Once in 10 years probably was the average. Lately we have been averaging at least once a year. It will be an all time record if we get snow in December too (twice in a year).
Really snow isn't a problem for us here because the ground is still warm (seeing how we were in the 70's a few days ago). So it usually doesn't stick very much if at all. The problem is the rain we usually get attached to this snow. It rains lots and we all know what happens to water when it gets below freezing. It hardens and becomes very slick. So I hope those that work early in the mornings have a safe commute.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Super Nanny

When the Super Nanny first started coming on TV I was resistant to watch. I thought I don't need that. I have to admit that I have watched it a few times. Usually as a rerun that runs late at night on TLC I think. I even use the show as object lessons to my daughter. See those kids having a tantrum that is what you look like when you have a tantrum. See how that kids is talking to his mother that isn't very nice. I sometimes make my daughter point out the bad behaviors sometimes when we are flipping through the channels. But the few times I have watched there has been something on there (not everything) that I could use. The last one I watched was a few months ago and she had introduced the "Naughty Mat" well I thought that was cleaver and thought I would do something similar. I do not have money to go get a mat strictly for this purpose. So I thought of something that is handy and almost guaranteed to be near by in times of need. So I came up with the "Naughty Wall" it is free and usually everywhere I go has one. I say its any available wall.
You ask why would I need the "Naughty Wall?" Well, I was having issues with back talking and her constantly telling me NO and having an emotional melt down. I mean kicking screaming crying drama filled melt down. Finally after watching this show I decided the next time she was going to have a melt down to implement the Naughty Wall! At first it was bumpy and noisy, but my golly it has worked. There are those times where any child tries to be in control and push the boundaries and tries to refuse to go, but in the end she caves and now it isn't needed quite as much. The back talking has become minimal and the tantrums fewer. The tantrums still exist from time to time but there has been a huge difference from a few months ago.
Have no fear of showing your child who is boss she remember to stay calm in the process. After all who does your child look up to, to teach them about life and the world? Who is going to teach your child about respecting themselves and others?