Monday, August 25, 2014

Back to School 2014

Today is Miss K's first day of 5th grade! For the last few weeks she has been super excited. This morning was no exception! I went to wake her up at 6:30 this morning to only find an empty bed. She woke herself up at 5:00am... Yes you read that correctly. She was already dressed and ate breakfast by the time I tried to wake her up. 

Of course we can't start the year without the first day pictures. I love my spunky girl. 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

How will you be remembered?

This is just a thought post.
I have lost several people close to me over the years. Just recently my childhood friends father passed away. After listening to the eulogies today, I have given how we are remembered when we die a lot of thought.
What kind of person are we? What kind of parent were we to our children. What will be remembered. Are we funny? Serious? Are we making the time now to do those things that will leave good memories in the hearts and minds of our loved ones? 

Saturday, August 2, 2014

On my way to financial freedom!

So I finally earned my associates degree back in December. Of course this comes after being on that 20+ year plan. Now I call it my life long learning plan! I originally started school back in 1999 right after I graduated High School. I attended Stephen F. Austin State University out in the middle of nowhere where I studied psychology and art, with the idea of becoming an art therapist. Could still be a possibility some day just not right now. 
I earned my associates in art with a field of study in criminal justice. Which means I just took a few extra classes. 

At any rate I have been paying on my student loans from SFA for as long as I can remember. I am proud to announce that I will have them paid off very soon. The realization that I owe less than $200 to Sallie Mae makes me very happy. This allows me to work more seriously on getting out of debt and saving money again. Who doesn't like having a little extra money every month.