Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Arggh Matey!

Had a great time with my daughter today at our wards Halloween party. We went as pirates this year. I made the costumes and had a blast. The look of joy on my daughters face made my night. 

This is the back of the vest I made. Which was made out of a t-shirt, some Polk-dot Rick rack and some tulle. 



They had this awesome backdrop set up so we just had to take pictures. 




Monday, October 6, 2014

I'm A Mormon


I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I love it. 

For those who are curious about the church please go to

There is also a movie coming out in the next week called Meet the Mormons" I can't wait to see it myself. The trailer can be found at

Friday, September 5, 2014

Karate, Viola, & Art

As Miss K enters the 5th grade she has the opportunity to participate in 5th grade strings. She has selected to play the Viola. With my current finances already being tight, I have set up a go fund me account. I cannot afford to do both karate and pay for a rental/purchase plan for a Viola. Please share this every little but will help. 


Monday, August 25, 2014

Back to School 2014

Today is Miss K's first day of 5th grade! For the last few weeks she has been super excited. This morning was no exception! I went to wake her up at 6:30 this morning to only find an empty bed. She woke herself up at 5:00am... Yes you read that correctly. She was already dressed and ate breakfast by the time I tried to wake her up. 

Of course we can't start the year without the first day pictures. I love my spunky girl. 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

How will you be remembered?

This is just a thought post.
I have lost several people close to me over the years. Just recently my childhood friends father passed away. After listening to the eulogies today, I have given how we are remembered when we die a lot of thought.
What kind of person are we? What kind of parent were we to our children. What will be remembered. Are we funny? Serious? Are we making the time now to do those things that will leave good memories in the hearts and minds of our loved ones? 

Saturday, August 2, 2014

On my way to financial freedom!

So I finally earned my associates degree back in December. Of course this comes after being on that 20+ year plan. Now I call it my life long learning plan! I originally started school back in 1999 right after I graduated High School. I attended Stephen F. Austin State University out in the middle of nowhere where I studied psychology and art, with the idea of becoming an art therapist. Could still be a possibility some day just not right now. 
I earned my associates in art with a field of study in criminal justice. Which means I just took a few extra classes. 

At any rate I have been paying on my student loans from SFA for as long as I can remember. I am proud to announce that I will have them paid off very soon. The realization that I owe less than $200 to Sallie Mae makes me very happy. This allows me to work more seriously on getting out of debt and saving money again. Who doesn't like having a little extra money every month.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


So summer has been going on for awhile now. Summer vacation for Miss.K and not such a vacation for myself. It's still work as usual for me. Of course as a single mom it comes with the territory. Of course I have been blessed with having Friday's off which means I have 3 day weekends also short days on Tuesdays. 

So far we have eaten dinner out on the patio a few times, trying desperately to not get carried off by the massive Mosquitos! It is pretty true what they say about Texas and things being bigger in it. Mosquitos are no exception to this. We have also managed to play a few games out on the patio as well. Jenga and Trivial Pursuit are so far our favorite games. Of course Miss. K is pretty smart and has won Trivial Pursuit several times. 

We have eaten dinner at Outback. It was very yummy in my tummy. This would be Miss.K drinking her drink and trying really hard not to smile for the camera. 

And of course when she does smile it is this goofy grin :) 

We have discovered Brusters ice cream and have visited there a few times. We have also made a few new friends. These bunnies live in the wooded area next to Brusters. 

Of course we can't start the summer off right unless we visit the bookstore and the library and the library on wheels. Getting a few of the books from the recommended summer reading is a Must! Miss.K has graduated from the Harry  Potter world (kind of) and has moved into the world of Percy Jackson. She is on the third series now and the author almost isn't writing fast enough nor are the movies being produced fast enough. So for Christmas I am on the hunt for a book on Greek mythology. I am such a mean mom I am making my child read another book in-between each Percy Jackson book she finishes. I am also making her keep a reading log of all the books she reads. She may just earn her AR (advanced reading) t-shirt in the first month of school. 

Miss K is going into the 5th grade (scary thought). Which means my baby is growing up on me. 

We have gone swimming and have both managed to get sunburned. Darn that fair skin we have and something about forgetting to put sunblock on. 

We have tomatoes!

And Watermelons oh my.

My last post Miss K was earning her blue belt well she just recently earned her Green Belt. I am so proud of her determination and hard work. 
Round house kick
Side kick
Punches! This is Bob. Bob gets punched and kicked a lot. Of course Miss K has power kicks and kicks him to ground almost daily. 

Her instructors 

I captured this amazing sunset the other night.

Found this moth hanging out in the windowsill at work. 

We have also been feeding the missionaries. Sister Priddis on the right is leaving to go home tomorrow. Sad face :(
They have been great to have in our home and do the follow up lessons for Miss K. 

Whew, doesn't seem like we have done a lot but now that I have compiled it all here or most if it here I'm in need of a nap. I am sure I have left a few things out. 

Hard to believe that in a month that the school year will be starting again. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

I did it! And last year in review

It has been a few years since I have posted. A lot has happened. Katlynn has grown taller and I have finished my associates degree. Katlynn has also been working hard in karate and is getting ready to test for her blue belt in a few weeks. She has also been reading like crazy and is currently stuck in the magical world of Harry Potter, she will be done with book 7 in a few days.

My degree came in the mail! (2014)

Most recent picture of miss k. After our outing to see the Lego Movie. Everything is Awesome! (2014)

Blueberry muffins from scratch. Very yummy. (2014)

At the end of class sporting her orange belt. (2013)

Katlynn won 1st place at the science fair.

We had our pictures taken professionally for the first time. They turned out amazing! (2013)

Katlynn was baptized as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. (2013)

We took a trip to Wisconsin last summer. My cousin Matt got married and we also helped my grandparents move out of their house. We just missed the circus museum by a few days. No fear though we found a nose in the basement and a clown recruit was born! (2013)